The Financial Fitness Program teaches the principles behind the Offense, Defense, and Playing Field of personal finance.

What's Inside:

  • Financial Fitness Book
  • Financial Fitness Workbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish, French
  • Financial Fitness Decal

Available Digitally

  • Financial Fitness eBook
  • Financial Fitness eWorkbook
  • 9 information Packed Audios
  • Available in 3 Languages
    • English, Spanish French
  • Audios Available Offline

Financial Literacy Video Training Series

A collection of instructional videos, taught by Financial Fitness co-Authors Orrin Woodward and Chris Brady, that are designed to reinforce the 47 principles taught in the Financial Fitness Program.
Play Sample 1

Play Sample 2

Play Sample 3

Play Sample 4

Don't Just Take Our Word For It...

I wanted to let everyone know how wonderful the Financial Fitness Program is! By applying the “pay yourself first” principle, we found almost $600 a month that was leaking out of our budget and we’ve now applied that extra money towards funding our business investment and products. We have also paid off 3 creditors and have paid off over $5,000 worth of debt just since August of 2016. This is an encouragement to everyone out there! If we can do it, you can too and it’s making a marvelous difference in our lives!
Tim and Krysla Folsom

I've owned a traditional business since 2003. In 2014, one of my business partners handed me the Financial Fitness program and I began to listen to the audios in my car. As of 2017, my wife and I have paid off over $175,000 in debt, with the goal of totally paying off our home in the next 18 months. Getting rid of that debt has been great for our peace of mind, as well as our marriage! If you own any type of business, the Financial Fitness concepts will help you reduce costs and build your profit margins, and if you apply those same concepts to your household finances you will double your effectiveness. When your business is debt-free you'll have more options, and if your business volume is volatile you won't have the stress of debt payments if revenues go down. I would encourage anyone with debt to check out the Financial Fitness program. My wife and I will pay off our 4 bedroom home before my 45th birthday, and anyone can do what we did!
Ben and Rachel Alexander